These cleaners are eco-friendly, extremely cheap, and in most cases as easy as combining the powdered ingredients and shaking to ensure it's well mixed. Are you ready to begin to live free? Then let's get started.
TIP: All of the things used here are easily found at any grocery store in the same aisle as the commercial cleaners.
Laundry Detergent
1 cup of borax
1 cup of baking soda
1 cup of washing soda
2 cup of castille soap
Simply mix all of these powdered ingredients into a mixing bowl breaking up any clumps. Stir or shake the bowl to ensure that the ingredients are mixed well.
This recipe will make enough to do 128 loads of laundry. That's the same amount as the bigger bottles of liquid detergent at most grocery stores. This homemade cleaner costs about $2, compared to the $13+ for the same amount when going with a name brand cleaner.
Use about 1 table spoon per load.
Dish washing detergent
3 cups washing soda
1 cup baking soda
A large storage container to store finished product
1 Tbsp measure to keep in the storage container
The process for this is the same as the laundry detergent. Simply combine all of the powdered ingredients together and mix well.
Use about one table spoon per load.
Carpet Cleaner
Liquid castille soap
Hydrogen peroxide
Container to mix ingredients
Spoon to mix ingredients
Mix one part castille soap with two parts peroxide in the mixing container. Either pour it onto the carpet stain or put the mixture into a spray bottle.
Disinfecting wipes
A container in which to keep wipes. This should be leak proof and it's better if it has a flip top lid.
Rags, old baby washcloths, etc.
1/2 cup liquid castille soap
2-3 cups water
Essential oils for fragrance, if preferred
Tea tree oil for disinfecting properties
Combine all of the liquid ingredients into your container. Shake or stir to make sure ingredients are well mixed. Now add your rags. By the time you have added all of your rags to fill the container, you may need to add a little more water to make sure that the ones on top are wet.
Glass Cleaner
This is the simplest of them all.
1 Part Vinegar
1 Part water
Simply mix a half and half mixture of vinegar and water into a spray bottle. For best results use newspaper to wash glass.
This mixture is extremely cheap but more effective than traditional cleaners like Windex. The vinegar will thoroughly clean the glass, but will not leave residue or streaks like most commercial cleaners.